tax & sustainability
2nd Annual Conference of NOVA Tax Research Lab

NOVA Tax Research Lab, knowledge centre established in the Center for Research & Development on Law and Society (CEDIS) of NOVA School of Law, will hold the 2nd Annual Conference of the NOVA Tax Research Lab, which will take place in Lisbon, from 31st of May to 1st of June
As a hybrid event (online and face-to-face), it will take place in room 007 of the NOVA School of Law, from 10:00 am to 5:30 pm (Lisbon time). The evente is supported bt the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) though CEDIS – NOVA School of Law.
The conference will be dedicated to the theme “TAXATION AND SUSTAINABILITY”. Therefore, the panels will be composed of specialists in the tax area and others dealing with the perspective of sustainability.
The event has two objectives, (i) promoting reflection on some of the most pressing issues in the universe of public and fiscal policies and (ii) strengthening ties for potential collaborative research between researchers, collaborators and lines of research related to the theme. The official conference languages are English and Portuguese.
Click in the “KNOW MORE” button below to view the list of approved abstracts for discussion and the line-up of the presentations at the 2nd Annual Conference of NOVA Tax Research Lab.

registration form
To participate as a listener at the 2nd Annual Conference of NOVA Tax Research Lab, it is necessary to complete the Registration form (below).