Tax Education - towards a citizen reconciliation with taxation
The exercise of citizenship is everyone’s right and duty. An integrated, egalitarian community based in a sense of justice depends on its citizens reflecting on, discussing and effectively participating in decision-making on matters of public interest. Among them, tax collection and revenue sharing policies are of utmost importance. However, raising community awareness for the exercise of tax citizenship depends on the development of a culture of social and intergenerational responsibility, implies accepting and understanding why we are taxed, as well as entails acquisition of specific skills, namely for the fulfilment of tax obligations.
In this context, the “Tax Education Project: raising awareness for the exercise of tax citizenship” was thought, designed and is being implemented by NOVA Tax Research Lab. It is our first project to be brought into light, and it is a beckon of the type of research we are committed to.
The Project aims to contribute to a change of culture based on the equitable distribution of the tax effort and on the achievement of tax justice, as well as to mitigate, through education, aggressive planning and fraudulent tax practices.
The aim is also to stimulate the effective participation of young citizens in the public decision-making process in the tax area, contributing to the full exercise of citizenship, fighting back the phantom of youth detachment on democracy and its superior values. Among the actions developed specifically for younger audiences, we created an Instagram account to present three types of posts: “DID YOU KNOW THAT…?”; “FUN FACTS ABOUT TAXES” and “HOT TOPICS”. They all have the purpose of clarifying the importance of taxes and how they work, in a simple, clear and fun way. However, we will not renounce the scientific accuracy. That is an everlasting belief we adopt.
We are starting with Portuguese language in order to address national concerns, but we have target into a not-so-distant future an English version.
The project will have other instruments and will include local awareness sessions within local communities as it will entail academic and scientific research projects and publications.
Did you know...?
(Sabias que...?)
One of NOVA Tax Research Lab’s objectives is to bring taxation closer to the community. Under this project, we focus on promoting the interest of younger citizens for tax issues by explaining in our social networks the importance of taxes and how they work in a simple and fun way (in Portuguese).
Fun Facts
The “Fun Facts” section of the Tax Education Project focuses on sharing comical or surprising facts about taxes, notably historical ones. It is aimed at promoting the interest in tax topics and research, and spreading out the word: taxes are fun!
This Project is currently developed in Portuguese language on Instagram.
hot Topics
The ongoing (re)evolution of the tax systems can be overwhelming.
With the Hot Topics project under the Tax Education Project, we intend to spread the main domestic, European and International tax news to the community in order to promote awareness of these constant changes and contribute to tax education.
You can keep up with the Tax Hot Topics on our Linkedin (in English) and Instagram (in Portuguese).