NOVA Tax Research Lab and JurisNova launched the E-Course on Tax Aspects Related to the International Mobility of Individuals (1st edition) in January 2024.

The specialised training course is coordinated by Doctors Rita Calçada Pires and Diogo Feio and PhD students Rosa Freitas Soares and Mariana Passos Beraldo, with the aim of understanding the tax rules applicable to the international mobility of natural persons, enabling them to move around globally, fulfilling their tax obligations in the countries involved and avoiding international double taxation. In the case of employers, it also aims to analyse the tax rules/obligations that apply to them in Portugal and in the foreign countries involved and to help them design an international mobility policy. It also aims to raise awareness of complementary aspects such as the relevant labour and social security rules/obligations and migration legislation. Throughout the course, the aim is to raise awareness of the challenges and practical aspects associated with international mobility through debates and case studies on the subject.

For more information, click here.