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NOVA Tax Research Lab

NOVA Tax Lab Weekly Report on UN framework convention on international tax cooperation

3rd Annual Conference Of NOVA Tax Research Lab

NOVA Tax Research Lab, will hold the 3rd Annual Conference of the NOVA Tax Research Lab, which will take place in Lisbon, from 9th to 10th of October.

What is our purpose?

The NOVA Tax Research Lab is a knowlegde centre established in the Center for Research & Development on Law and Society (CEDIS) of NOVA School of Law.

It stemmed from the need for academic reflection and intervention on the ongoing (re)evolution of the tax systems and on the new challenges imposed on tax administrations and taxpayers.


E-Book "Nova Tax Research Series | Second Edition"

The E-book “Nova Tax Research Series | Second Edition”, coordenated by Rita Calçada Pires and Diogo Feio, was launched in the 2nd Annual Conference of NOVA Tax Research Lab. The digital publication is available in English, with open access and it was entirely produced by the NOVA Tax Research Lab team in 2022.

E-Book "Nova Tax Research Series | First Edition"

The E-book “Nova Tax Research Series | First Edition”, coordenated by Rita Calçada Pires and Diogo Feio, was launched in the closing session of the 2nd Annual Conference of NOVA Tax Research Lab. The digital publication is available in English, with open access and it was entirely produced by the NOVA Tax Research Lab team in 2022.